SACPP LTD Is a 50 hectare farm on the shores of Lake Mugesera In rural Rwanda. We are an irrigated farm, using strictly solar pumping. The farm was called the shining star of Rwandan Agriculture by the Rwandan Minister of Agriculture during a visit. Our dairy operation partners with the World Jersey Cattle Bureau in the demonstration on dairy feeding and management. We are a triple bottom line farm, where we measure success with the three metrics: profitability, how we benefit the community, and how we have a positive environmental impact. We also carry out primary research on various crop and livestock production strategies, and host Graduate Students from a number of countries. We also serve as a demonstration farm, and learning center for farmers.

About Our Business
Solutions for Success
The SCAPP Ltd team has over 70 years of collective experience in Natural Resourced based business design, and consultation across four continents. We have team members with expertise in irrigation, and renewable energy technologies, as well as business start up, and planning, infectious disease (animal) Our experience runs the gamut from forest products harvesting, to tree nurseries, to producing animal feeds, and processing oil seed into edible oil, or biodiesel. The on-site team in Rwanda is Rwandan, with a single exception. SACPP is not a non-profit, and does not seek donations or funding.
SACPP: Who We Are
SACPP LTD exists because we are Rwandan, and there are so many opportunities in Rwanda for young farmers to make a difference. Our goals are to make a difference in the country, and through our successes demonstrate that agriculture is an avenue for young people to have good, and meaningful lives. Our team has trained the Rwandan Agricultural Board technicians on irrigation management We demonstrate farming techniques, not through telling people "this is how to farm", but through simply doing the job. And answering questions, and respecting our neighbors, and knowing that we also learn from them. We serve as the proof of concept for various production techniques.

Testing and Precision Ag.
Precision Agriculture is a farming management concept based on observing, measuring and responding to inter and intra-field variability in crops. The goal of precision agriculture research is to define a decision support system (DSS) for whole farm management with the goal of optimizing returns on inputs while preserving resources.
SACPP's farm in Zaza, Rwanda is practicing and testing precision farming and is excited about the potential that Precision Agriculture has in areas like Rwanda, and Sub- Saharan Africa at large.
For more information, feel free to contact us here.

At SACPP we believe that innovation drives success. We believe that success in agriculture is profit driven, but at it's best is truly triple bottom line. Our multidisciplinary team has worked on four continents, has started over a dozen successful businesses for themselves, and helped others start hundreds of natural resource based businesses.